Lockheed Martin Terminates $4.4 Billion Deal To Acquire Aerojet Rocketdyne

U.S. arms maker Lockheed Martin Corp said on Sunday it terminated its plan to acquire rocket engine maker Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings Inc for $4.4 billion. The move comes after the U.S. Federal Trade Commission voted unanimously last month to sue to block the deal over antitrust concerns. The merger, which was announced in late 2020, drew criticism as it […]

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Black Hat USA 2021 & DEF CON 29 Highlights & Key Takeaways | LinuxS...

Black Hat and Defcon cybersecurity experts share tips on how to protect yourself

During the week of Black Hat and Defcon, tens of thousands of security experts and hackers flock to Las Vegas for the back-to-back conferences. They hold discussions on issues like smart cities getting hacked, two-factor authentication, and security issues with voice assistants. It can all get a little technical. But with so much cybersecurity knowledge in one place, […]

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Comcast profits up 14 percent despite losing 121,000 cable-TV subscribers

Comcast security flaws exposed customers’ personal info

Security flaws in Comcast Xfinity customer software reportedly exposed customers’ partial home addresses and Social Security numbers. Security researcher Ryan Stevenson found that two vulnerabilities in the internet service provider’s online portal for its more than 26.5 million customers left the data open to hackers, according to Buzzfeed. Comcast patched the vulnerabilities after BuzzFeed News reported the findings. […]

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Open letter against Apple's privacy-invasive content scanning tech gathers  thousands of signatures

Apple responds to Congress’ letter on data security and privacy

Apple has just responded to Congress’ inquiry on how it protects user privacy. The House Committee on Energy and Commerce last month sent letters to Apple CEO Tim Cook and Alphabet CEO Larry Page asking about the companies’ data security and privacy practices. The five-page letter to Cook asked detailed questions about how Apple collected user data and what it used […]

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2020 Tokyo Olympics security to use facial recognition system - CGTN

Tokyo Olympics will use facial recognition to improve security

Tokyo 2020 will break a tech record by becoming the the first Olympics to use facial recognition technology. The technology will be used to identify athletes, officials, staff and media at the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo, the organizing committee said on Tuesday. It won’t be used to identify spectators attending the Games. Using the […]

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